Leccion 10: The Living Room

The Living Room

  1. coffee table: mesa de centro
  2. curtains: cortinas
  3. end table: mesa de noche
  4. lamp: lampara
  5. mantel: mantel
  6. painting: pintura
  7. photograph: fotografia
  8. cushion: cojin
  9. speaker: bocina
  10. stereo: radio
  11. television: televisor
  12. VCR: video cassette recorder (videograbadora)
  13. lampshade: pantalla (para las lamparas)
  14. drapes: cortinas (telon)

Living Room

Leccion 9: Types of housing

Types of Housing

  1. apartment biulding: apartamentos
  2. cabin: cabana
  3. condominium: condominio
  4. dormitory: dormitorio
  5. farmhouse: casa de granja
  6. houseboat: barco-vivienda
  7. mobile home: casa-rodante
  8. nursing home: asilo
  9. shelter: refugio
  10. duplex: casa doble

Types of Housing Video

Leccion 8: Classroom Actions ll

Classroom Actions ll

  1. Collect: colectar (recolectar)
  2. Take: tomar
  3. Do: hacer
  4. Bring: traer
  5. Hand (hold): sostener
  6. Correct: corregir
  7. Take out: quitar
  8. Turn off: apagar
  9. Go over: repasar (examinar)
  10. Watch: observar

Classroom Language 1 - ESL Lesson

Classroom Actions

Leccion 7: Classroom Actions l

Classroom Actions I

  1. stand up: levantarse
  2. go to the board: ir a la pizarra
  3. write your name: escribe tu nombre
  4. sit down: sientate
  5. erase your name: borra tu nombre
  6. open your book: abre tu libro
  7. close your book: cierra tu libro
  8. read page ten: lee pagina diez
  9. listen to the teacher: escucha al profesor
  10. silent please: silencio porfavor

Classroom Actions - Video

Leccion 6: The Classroom


  1. Teacher: profesor
  2. Student: estudiante
  3. Desk: escritorio
  4. Chair: silla
  5. Computer: computadora
  6. Screen: pantalla
  7. Chalkboard: pizarra (verde)
  8. Clock: reloj (de pared)
  9. Map: mapa
  10. Bulleting Board: mural informativo
  11. Speakers: bocinas
  12. Whiteboard: pizarra (blanca)
  13. Globe: globo terraqueo
  14. Bookcase: estanteria (librero)
  15. Wastebasket: zafacon
  16. Thumbtack: tachuela
  17. Pen: lapicero
  18. Pencil: lapiz
  19. Table: mesa
  20. Ruler: regla


  1. next to: al lado de
  2. on: encima de
  3. under: debajo
  4. behind: detras de
  5. in: en (adentro de)

20 Classroom Objects

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Leccion # 5: Everyday Activities ll

Descargar el audio de esta leccion aqui:

Everyday Activities 2 (Video)

Leccion 4: Everyday Activities l

Escucha o Descarga el audio del vocabulario de esta unidad.

Everyday Activities 1 (Video)

Leccion 3: Family Members II


  1. uncle: tio
  2. aunt: tia
  3. niece: sobrina
  4. nephew: sobrino
  5. cousin: primo
  6. mother-in-law: suegra
  7. father-in-law: suegro
  8. son-in-law: yerno
  9. daughter-in-law: nuera
  10. brother-in-law: cunado
  11. sister-in-law: cunada
son-in-law: daughter's husband: the husband of somebody's daughter.
daughter-in-law: son's wife: the wife of somebody's son.

We Are Family | Learn English | Vocabulary Builder

Leccion 2: Family Member 1

  1. husband
  2. wife
  3. parents
  4. father
  5. mother
  6. children
  7. daughter
  8. son
  9. baby
  10. siblings
  11. sister
  12. brother
  13. grandparents
  14. grandmother
  15. grandfather
  16. grandchildren
  17. granddaughter
  18. grandson
escucha el audio de este vocabulario aqui
Audio Family Member 1

English Words for Family Members

Algunos videos extra para el vocabulario de la familia

Leccion 1 : Personal Information

Personal Information Vocabulary (listen and repeat)

  1. name
  2. fisrt name
  3. middle initial
  4. last name
  5. address
  6. street number
  7. street
  8. apartment number
  9. city
  10. state
  11. zip code
  12. area code
  13. telephone number
  14. cell phone number
  15. e-mail address
  16. social security number
  17. sex
  18. date of birth
  19. place of birth

Asking for and Giving Personal Information

Video extra sobre informacion personal en el siguiente enlace
Personal Information extra-video

Enlance a una pagina externa con vocabulario mas amplio sobre esta unidad (Pronunciacion en Ingles). dar click al sigueinte enlace.

Personal Information Vocabulary