Leccion 10: The Living Room

The Living Room

  1. coffee table: mesa de centro
  2. curtains: cortinas
  3. end table: mesa de noche
  4. lamp: lampara
  5. mantel: mantel
  6. painting: pintura
  7. photograph: fotografia
  8. cushion: cojin
  9. speaker: bocina
  10. stereo: radio
  11. television: televisor
  12. VCR: video cassette recorder (videograbadora)
  13. lampshade: pantalla (para las lamparas)
  14. drapes: cortinas (telon)

Living Room

Leccion 9: Types of housing

Types of Housing

  1. apartment biulding: apartamentos
  2. cabin: cabana
  3. condominium: condominio
  4. dormitory: dormitorio
  5. farmhouse: casa de granja
  6. houseboat: barco-vivienda
  7. mobile home: casa-rodante
  8. nursing home: asilo
  9. shelter: refugio
  10. duplex: casa doble

Types of Housing Video

Leccion 8: Classroom Actions ll

Classroom Actions ll

  1. Collect: colectar (recolectar)
  2. Take: tomar
  3. Do: hacer
  4. Bring: traer
  5. Hand (hold): sostener
  6. Correct: corregir
  7. Take out: quitar
  8. Turn off: apagar
  9. Go over: repasar (examinar)
  10. Watch: observar

Classroom Language 1 - ESL Lesson

Classroom Actions

Leccion 7: Classroom Actions l

Classroom Actions I

  1. stand up: levantarse
  2. go to the board: ir a la pizarra
  3. write your name: escribe tu nombre
  4. sit down: sientate
  5. erase your name: borra tu nombre
  6. open your book: abre tu libro
  7. close your book: cierra tu libro
  8. read page ten: lee pagina diez
  9. listen to the teacher: escucha al profesor
  10. silent please: silencio porfavor

Classroom Actions - Video

Leccion 6: The Classroom


  1. Teacher: profesor
  2. Student: estudiante
  3. Desk: escritorio
  4. Chair: silla
  5. Computer: computadora
  6. Screen: pantalla
  7. Chalkboard: pizarra (verde)
  8. Clock: reloj (de pared)
  9. Map: mapa
  10. Bulleting Board: mural informativo
  11. Speakers: bocinas
  12. Whiteboard: pizarra (blanca)
  13. Globe: globo terraqueo
  14. Bookcase: estanteria (librero)
  15. Wastebasket: zafacon
  16. Thumbtack: tachuela
  17. Pen: lapicero
  18. Pencil: lapiz
  19. Table: mesa
  20. Ruler: regla


  1. next to: al lado de
  2. on: encima de
  3. under: debajo
  4. behind: detras de
  5. in: en (adentro de)

20 Classroom Objects

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Leccion # 5: Everyday Activities ll

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Everyday Activities 2 (Video)

Leccion 4: Everyday Activities l

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Everyday Activities 1 (Video)